What You Should Know Before Purchasing an Air Conditioner in Singapore

The air conditioner has become a must-have in Singapore, particularly in hot weather, and you will most likely want to buy one to enjoy the cooling sensation. However, as a consumer, you must be hoping that the money you spend will equalize with the air conditioning experience you would get. To spend your money wisely, here are a few tips for you before purchasing an air conditioner.
1. Types of Air Conditioners
There are different types of air conditioners in the market in Singapore. Due to that, you need to pick the most suitable type to install by considering the conditions of your room before purchasing an air conditioner. There are two common air conditioners: window air conditioners and split air conditioners.
A window air conditioner comprises a single unit with its components stored inside, installed on the window, or installed by making a hole in the wall. It is suitable for cooling a room of a smaller size, as it does not possess the excellent cooling capability. Since a window air conditioner occupies large spaces in the window, it blocks some natural light from entering the room and affects visibility during the day. In comparison, a split air conditioner is separated into two units: one is installed inside, and another is installed outside. Its installation would necessitate the use of experts because it involved connecting pipe systems between these two units. The split air conditioner is suitable for cooling rooms with larger sizes due to its greater cooling capacity. And it is installed on the top of the wall, where the window is not involved.
2. Tonnage
The tonnage or cooling capacity must also be considered before purchasing an air conditioner in Singapore. The cooling capacity of the air conditioner will directly impact your electric consumption. The air conditioner’s cooling capacity must be compatible with the appropriate size of the room where the air conditioner will be installed. For instance, an air conditioner with less tonnage is incapable of cooling a room of a larger size, causing the air conditioner to run longer, thereby increasing your electricity bills in Singapore. It prevents the air conditioner from functioning efficiently. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the tonnage of the air conditioner by consulting air conditioner experts before purchasing an air conditioner in Singapore.
3. Energy Efficiency
People who use air conditioners will pay more for their electricity bills than those who do not. Therefore, it is essential to consider its energy efficiency before purchasing an air conditioner to save money in Singapore. The energy efficiency rating (EER) can be seen on the air conditioner’s label. The greater the number of ticks seen on the labelling, the more efficient it would be. The air conditioner tick rating starts at 1, which stands for a low energy rating, and goes up to the highest rating of 5, with an excellent energy rating. This is because the higher energy efficiency of air conditioners would require less power to operate, lowering your electricity bills and reducing your expenses in Singapore.
4. Noise
The primary purpose of purchasing an air conditioner is to enjoy it. However, there might be some problems with the air conditioner, such as it making noise when in use, which can be unbearable. Before purchasing an air conditioner in Singapore, it is critical to double-check that the unit does not make distracting noises. Some air conditioners will make noise when they are working; therefore, check the one you are buying by consulting an air conditioning expert. If the air conditioner makes noise, even if it is newly purchased, the situation will worsen in the future, and it may cost you more for the repair in Singapore. An air conditioning expert can assist you in avoiding the noise from your air conditioner.
Consider these few factors before purchasing an air conditioner in Singapore, as they will affect the efficiency of your air conditioner. If you are still determining which air conditioners would suit you the best, you may consult air conditioner experts in Singapore, such as NewCool.
NewCool is a professional team enriched with experience in serving the best air conditioning. Contact NewCool now!

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